C. Carlin Plumbing, At Your Service
Until something breaks, we usually take our plumbing and water for granted. If the annoying drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet has kept you awake at night, you grow to appreciate a tight seal. A clogged toilet? Well, you get the idea. At C. Carlin Plumbing, we fix water-related problems throughout greater Erie area. We know how important water is when it comes to your quality of life and the havoc that ensues when plumbing breaks. Our job? Efficiently and effectively repair your plumbing so you can focus on important things. (Like bathing.) We’ll not only fix your problem, we’ll help you pick out new fixtures and parts.
A partial list of our services:

Have a leak, a clogged drain or any plumbing problem that needs plumbing service? Give us a call at (814) 825-2805 for an appointment. We’re at your service.